Friday, June 19, 2009

When illness gets in the way...

Life can get quite busy. At times I feel as if I am drowning in a mountian of laundry and that my dishes will always, always sit in the draining rack. And then, something happens to refocus my attention. This week it was illness. Seriously. Both my boys got sick, you know, the runny nose/congestion/cough/fever. Now, when germies strike young children (8 mos and 2 yrs) there is not much you can do, other than constantly wiping noses and snuggling. Now, i suppose in my sleep deprived and touched-out state it could have been too easy to throw my hands up and surrender. but Motherhood takes no prisoners and therefore I had to soldier on. And you know what? I found some joy in it. I realized how thankful I was to be the one soothing them to sleep, giving them nice aromatherapy baths and yes, wiping noses and changing lots and lots of poopy diapers. It was me, not someone else like a nanny or childcare worker. My babies will have the memory of mommy taking care of their needs and "fixing" everything. And I will always treasure the memory of two little fevered heads nestling down on my chest and drifting off to sleep. And also having a much needed break as I couldn't really move them without somebody waking up. It all depends on our attitude. I will be grateful for the time I do have with them, because time passes so quickly and soon they will be grown with families of their own, and I will have treasures stored up in my heart.


  1. Aw, how precious! You are very blessed to be able to stay home!

  2. Ok, that above comment was supposed to be me!
