Monday, February 15, 2010

Pantry Eating...

We have hit a little rough patch with our food budget, so at this point in time we are endeavoring to eat solely out of the stockpiles I have built up, with the exception of the fresh ingredients added by the WIC program (Milk, eggs, cheese, juice, grains, veggies). Up until this week we were supplementing it with small trips to the store for wanted ingredients, but my goal is to see just how much we can eat from home....I must admit this is an imperfect experiment as (out of laziness) I was dipping into my stockpiles and not replacing the ingredients, so some things are in short supply...such as Flour!!! ghaa. First to go, the leftovers!
I will post the day's predicted menu, and any changes I had to make as well. any non-stockpile ingredients will have an * after them. WIC items will also be noted with a W, but only if we purchase them new, as I have quite a bit of them stockpiled as well.






Stir fry veggies


not sure

I am also going to attempt making things from scratch. We baked oat-wheat bread last week, a cake and frosting yesterday (no box mixes for us!), and today on the list is homemade Yogurt!

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